Kosovo & Its Border(s) Interface Overview

For this project, I devised a tool that collects anecdotal data from individuals impacted by the territorial dispute between Kosovo and Serbia. My aim was to design a tool which allowed individuals to view where others think the border should be, as this issue is talked about very frequently in today's current affairs.

I designed and coded a website which allows people to express their opinions on the territorial dispute, by allowing them to draw the border and add an anecdote as to why they think so. Their drawing can be saved so that others can view and read a story.

To make this work, I set up a database which is where all the responses are stored. This allows the responses to be seen by anyone wherever they are.

The user draws where they believe the border should be providing reasoning for with their drawing. This reasoning may be any historical, anecdotal, evidence they have.

Kosovo & Its Border(s) Interface Overview